Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Effect of 100

Back to blogging… do not ask why I stopped cause I have no idea, but now I am back… locked and loaded, for the past two months,we at SocialEyez were monitoring our Social Media in Jordan. This post is actually dedicated only to tweepers in jordan, it was interesting what we found and I called it the effect of 100.

Approximately 100 (individuals/entities or groups) make up 50% percent of our tweets in Jordan, and guess what? 70% of their tweets is crap  , we took twitter to a new different perspective ladies and gentlemen, for us Jordanians twitter turned out to be a contest of who gets more followers, who Retweets news faster…etc
Sadly our top 100 tweepers, stopped even contributing in the countries daily activities where they know that they can make an effect and do a change and started to advertise for companies; wither they are getting paid for it or not, I urge them to stop the show and go back to effect the people in a way that can produce us a positive environment, our country needs you to create a change for the best, to enlighten the rest to move on a better path, to help creating the change…

I was glad when I saw most of the tweets on “ReformJo” are positive, this means we are on the right track in making our country a better place for all of us; I was even more happy when I saw that how the effect of Social Media in Jordan helped in bringing Raed back, but wait what about the others, I demand on changing the bringing Raed back website to be dedicated to all our detainees all over the globe, your effect made officials react… and to me I don’t have to tell you what to do to help the rest; you guys are the ones that made it happen, so make it happen again… bring the rest of us back, to realize what’s wrong and what’s right, be leaders and entrepreneurs be the present and take us to the future do not be past...your move now


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