Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jordan youth Forum 2011

I got the chance to actually attend the forum, it was on the 14th of June 2011, the forum went on for two days, discussing all aspects of the Jordanian society from the youths point of view, in youth they meant everyone between the age of 18 – 40 , this age segment actually represents around 65 – 70 % of the Jordanian population, indeed we are a young country ;with minds filled of ambition to make things better around us, I have talked to a few over there and everyone one seemed optimistic about the forum’s idea, everyone thought that this will give them a chance to explain their problems in a civilized way and actually someone would listen to them this time, everyone had a view about the Jordan they want, what they thought is right and what is wrong and what was cool about this was they’ve respected each other’s opinions (except in some incidents…we are still in Jordan  )

fortunately I was able to attended the first day only, but it was really great of how things went especially The Two day discussion rooms, about corruption, political parties, racism and violence, loyalty freedoms…etc I was impressed. All discussion rooms were about issues that if we can come up with resolutions for we can make our Jordan a better place… we these resolutions/ recommendation be delivered?
Not forgetting the amazing entrepreneur companies that are starting to do something that can go forward on a global scale, especially a game from “Wizards” called strike force a first person shooting game made by Jordanian developers and to top that it’s a facebook app!!! Would these entrepreneurs get the backup and funds they need ? would anyone sponsor them ?

I was lucky my friends and I made it into a discussion room about corruption, it was too intense, everyone there wanted to share their opinion, their personal experience and how each was effected by corruption, it seemed if we had a weeklong of discussions in regards to this subject it will never be over, as corruption in Jordan is now the major headline in all local newspapers and all platforms of media. The host of the discussion steered it right, he knew how to manage the discussion and how to make everyone participate, gave everyone a chance to say what he/she thinks, in my personal opinion I think the organizers have done a good job.

Last but not least, a question rose while we were in the discussion room from a friend I met there, and I am going to state it again (In Context as a general idea) …. “We are here discussing and talking all about corruption and saying our experiences, solutions…etc; this is nice. But the main issue here Is that we have done stuff similar to this & there was no results; is this forum any different”, the host said our “recommendations” will go up to his Majesty and we will see an action plan, I just hope when they come up with an action plan they mention that these plans were based on what the youth recommended….

*** pictures and Videos will be uploaded Soon


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