Thursday, February 28, 2013

Social Media – A Vicious Circle

Social Media – A Vicious Circle

  I have been working in the social media Field for the past four years. Never had enough of it! There is always something new to learn but becoming a social media expert is something impossible to achieve!

Everyday we have something new across social media, new technologies on all platforms and knowing it all can’t be done. The struggle continues on all aspects, once you get to know something and understand it and figure out how to do it the right way, a better solution comes up. New tactics and ways to approach, new marketing’s a never ending story.

What to do?

I don’t have a specific answer; there is nothing you can do. For the mean time you need to keep up with the hype until the pace is slower.

But we have a lot of experts?

 in my personal opinion , there is no social media expert we are always learning new ways , new understanding , coming up with new ideas and new rules on how to tackle certain issues , how to engage , how to analyze and understand the trends. Until now no one can accurately calculate the ROI of social media because there are plenty of different variables that add up in to the equation leaving many unanswered question…

Monday, February 25, 2013

Social Media - Rules of Engagement

Social Media is about online conversations on the cloud with rich content. Conversations where suppliers must earn with their consumers. Generating a buzz is by creating a compelling content that people will share and participate in, a content that people find valuable and interesting; plenty of people engage social media without understanding the rules of engagement, having unclear goals beyond their engagement.
Online consumers/ surfers are always looking up information that goes beyond price point and the products/service name or brand, being online means you can have more details about certain products/service understanding its pros, cons and comparing it with similar products/services on the spot.
Rules of Engagement:
Rules of engagement may vary in any social media campaign, but most share these common points
1- Gathering Insights and Understanding the Needs.

Every initiative should take into consideration the following:
a- The target people
b- the time period of the initiative
c- existing number of supporters
d- the expected infiltration
e- Integrity and the ability to deliver

2- Building awareness by initiating a conversation.
a. Add content initiatives
b. Content that solves problems
c. Content that educates and informs
d. Content that entertains

3- Using Applications.
a. Will they generate consumer participation? Site visits? An increase in page views and time on site? Lower the bounce rate? *** Site analytics may vary depending on the type of campaign
4- Giving consumers the ability to interact with your brand and creating their own content.

5- Response
a. The amount of time to answer a query and provide the consumer with support
b. The quality of support
6- Building, maintaining and nurturing relationships with consumers
7- Delivery
a. Satisfaction
b. Closing a Need.

Social media develops every day, starting off with quick and direct initiatives to ensure consumer satisfaction and a return on investment, Ill end my article quoting Sun Tzu from The Art of War saying “In war, then, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns”.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jordan youth Forum 2011

I got the chance to actually attend the forum, it was on the 14th of June 2011, the forum went on for two days, discussing all aspects of the Jordanian society from the youths point of view, in youth they meant everyone between the age of 18 – 40 , this age segment actually represents around 65 – 70 % of the Jordanian population, indeed we are a young country ;with minds filled of ambition to make things better around us, I have talked to a few over there and everyone one seemed optimistic about the forum’s idea, everyone thought that this will give them a chance to explain their problems in a civilized way and actually someone would listen to them this time, everyone had a view about the Jordan they want, what they thought is right and what is wrong and what was cool about this was they’ve respected each other’s opinions (except in some incidents…we are still in Jordan  )

fortunately I was able to attended the first day only, but it was really great of how things went especially The Two day discussion rooms, about corruption, political parties, racism and violence, loyalty freedoms…etc I was impressed. All discussion rooms were about issues that if we can come up with resolutions for we can make our Jordan a better place… we these resolutions/ recommendation be delivered?
Not forgetting the amazing entrepreneur companies that are starting to do something that can go forward on a global scale, especially a game from “Wizards” called strike force a first person shooting game made by Jordanian developers and to top that it’s a facebook app!!! Would these entrepreneurs get the backup and funds they need ? would anyone sponsor them ?

I was lucky my friends and I made it into a discussion room about corruption, it was too intense, everyone there wanted to share their opinion, their personal experience and how each was effected by corruption, it seemed if we had a weeklong of discussions in regards to this subject it will never be over, as corruption in Jordan is now the major headline in all local newspapers and all platforms of media. The host of the discussion steered it right, he knew how to manage the discussion and how to make everyone participate, gave everyone a chance to say what he/she thinks, in my personal opinion I think the organizers have done a good job.

Last but not least, a question rose while we were in the discussion room from a friend I met there, and I am going to state it again (In Context as a general idea) …. “We are here discussing and talking all about corruption and saying our experiences, solutions…etc; this is nice. But the main issue here Is that we have done stuff similar to this & there was no results; is this forum any different”, the host said our “recommendations” will go up to his Majesty and we will see an action plan, I just hope when they come up with an action plan they mention that these plans were based on what the youth recommended….

*** pictures and Videos will be uploaded Soon

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Effect of 100

Back to blogging… do not ask why I stopped cause I have no idea, but now I am back… locked and loaded, for the past two months,we at SocialEyez were monitoring our Social Media in Jordan. This post is actually dedicated only to tweepers in jordan, it was interesting what we found and I called it the effect of 100.

Approximately 100 (individuals/entities or groups) make up 50% percent of our tweets in Jordan, and guess what? 70% of their tweets is crap  , we took twitter to a new different perspective ladies and gentlemen, for us Jordanians twitter turned out to be a contest of who gets more followers, who Retweets news faster…etc
Sadly our top 100 tweepers, stopped even contributing in the countries daily activities where they know that they can make an effect and do a change and started to advertise for companies; wither they are getting paid for it or not, I urge them to stop the show and go back to effect the people in a way that can produce us a positive environment, our country needs you to create a change for the best, to enlighten the rest to move on a better path, to help creating the change…

I was glad when I saw most of the tweets on “ReformJo” are positive, this means we are on the right track in making our country a better place for all of us; I was even more happy when I saw that how the effect of Social Media in Jordan helped in bringing Raed back, but wait what about the others, I demand on changing the bringing Raed back website to be dedicated to all our detainees all over the globe, your effect made officials react… and to me I don’t have to tell you what to do to help the rest; you guys are the ones that made it happen, so make it happen again… bring the rest of us back, to realize what’s wrong and what’s right, be leaders and entrepreneurs be the present and take us to the future do not be past...your move now

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Facebook Photo Sharing More Popular With Women

Women who base their self worth on their appearance share more photos on Facebook and have a larger network of friends, according to new research from the University of Buffalo.

Michael A. Stefanone, PhD, says the results suggest women identify more strongly with their image and appearance, and use Facebook as a way to compete for attention.

“The results suggest persistent differences in the behavior of men and women that result from a cultural focus on female image and appearance,” said Stefanone.

In the study, 311 participants with an average age of 23.3 years — 49.8 percent of whom were female — completed a questionnaire measuring their contingencies of self worth. They were also asked about their typical behaviors on Facebook.

“Those whose self esteem is based on public-based contingencies (defined here as others’ approval, physical appearance and outdoing others in competition) were more involved in online photo sharing, and those whose self-worth is most contingent on appearance have a higher intensity of online photo sharing,” said Stefanone.

The purpose of the study was to investigate variables that explain specific online behavior on social network sites. Among other things, the team looked at the amount of time subjects spent managing profiles, the number of photos they shared, the size of their online networks and how promiscuous they were in terms of “friending” behavior.

“Although it’s stereotypical and might have been predicted,” he says, “it is disappointing to me that in the year 2011 so many young women continue to assert their self worth via their physical appearance — in this case, by posting photos of themselves on Facebook as a form of advertisement.”

“Perhaps this reflects the distorted value pegged to women’s looks throughout the popular culture and in reality programming from ‘The Bachelor’ to ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians.’”

The study, “Contingencies of Self-Worth and Social-Networking-Site Behavior,”is published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Social Media - The Black Horse

People say social media is unicorn, but it’s really just a big powerful black horse.
Sure, social media empowers customers like nothing before it. And of course, social media creates a new level of real-time accountability for companies previously accustomed to asynchronous communication. These are the ways social media is different. But in other ways, it’s largely the same.
Let’s compare email marketing and social media.

Market Size
When people ask you how big the social media business opportunity is, tell them it’s about the same as the email business opportunity. Very big. But nowhere near search, or television, or radio.

Messaging Flow
Email is somewhat an option. The only people that get emails from your company are people that asked to receive them.
Social media is also an option. The only people that see your tweets, status updates, foursquare check-ins, and notifications of your new YouTube musings purposefully signed up for the privilege.

Audience Count
The people that have option to receive our email are called subscribers. They can unsubscribe and remove themselves from the group.
The people that have option to receive our social messages are called followers. Or fans. They can unfollow or unlike to remove themselves from the group.

In the world of email, we count the number of people that saw or read each message. That metric is called “open rate”, email marketers call this the “render rate”.
In social media, we wish we could count the number of people that actually saw a specific tweet. But we have that metric in Facebook, where it’s called “impressions”, and on YouTube, where it’s called “views”.

Email marketers closely track the number of people that click links placed in messages. This is reported as the click-through rate – which is expressed as a percentage.
Social marketers also very closely track the number of clicks, but that data is usually reported as an integer (often through because we don’t know the number of views, and thus cannot determine the percentage. Facebook, however, does provide this data, and calls it “Feedback” (percentage of people seeing a specific status update that click “like” or write a comment).